Saturday, January 31, 2009

Raptors suck

Watched the Raptors game last night. It was really a must win against the Milwaukee Bucks, who are without their best player for the rest of the season. The Raptors lost!

They have been a frustration all season long, losing important games and really needing some personnel changes. Hopefully those happen soon.

Friday, January 30, 2009

Burning through the snow!

So today it is snowing yet again. Pretty tired of winter now.

It was Robbie Burns day on January 25th and being Scottish I am always excited about the worlds most famous poet's birthday. So I've been reading up on the bards life and exploits as well as his poems. A lot of works for guy who died at 37.

I think I'm going to buy a biography about his life and read it through to pass the time during this long cold winter.

Worthless Trustees

So tired of dealing with my trustee in bankruptcy. I booked an appointment at his office three weeks ago to meet with him and hand in the final payment and paperwork for my bankruptcy. So I got to the office this morning and he's not there, in court all day, and I'm supposed to meet with someone else. Why would I book an appointment with him and wait three weeks if I wanted to meet someone else. I'm scheduled again for Monday.

Thursday, January 15, 2009


I think that at this mundane time of year I get down the most, but really just the day to day kinda wears on me.

I guess everyone goes through this, but I will say that I am looking for inspiration at this point in the year. Just need something that will kick me into gear!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Days off

So Sunday was my only day off last week. I punish myself with one day of overtime each week to get a little ahead.

Makes it hard to get into a schedule routine, except for working. Hoping to start going out with the family a bit to enjoy my evenings.

Went to see my glorious world champion Boston Celtics beat the Raptors on Sunday and had a great time. Celts won last night too.

Just working on another snowy day today.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Shifting Gears

So on a new work schedule. For the last two years I have worked evenings and now I am working days. I'm two days in and still trying to get my sleep schedule right.
I have high hopes that this schedule will really fit me and my family's needs and wants.

So far I've had trouble sleeping when I'm supposed to an doing anything constructive with my new spare time.

Well hopefully I get my body on schedule and get to enjoy my new evenings off.

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Mobile business

Hey I was thinking as I often do!

The future of communication is clearly mobile. With the rise of mobile phones with internet and WI-FI ipods and walkman the role of the internet has really changed. Now web pages will need to be mobile friendly to better reach a customer that expects as much. I hope to figure out some programming for mobile web and possibly make a business out of that.