Friday, February 27, 2009

Family night at the movies

So I'm attending the family night movie, Igor, at my daughter Daniella's school. It is crazy here, kids everywhere, but my daughters wanted to come and so here I am. Julia's at home resting up for work tonight, so I'm at this on my own.

I work all this weekend and that kinda sucks, but such is life.

This Sunday I start playing basketball in the Hoopdome mens league. I'm looking forward to it. It's been over a year since I played in any leagues. I'm hoping to get back into a few basketball things this year.

Monday, February 23, 2009


So I'm getting set up on twitter so that I can record my every move. It doesn't seem to complicated except that my phone won't register with it. The joys of a Palm with Windows Mobile phone. It's great for some things but doesn't seem to work well for SMS based stuff. Well I will try to keep moving towards being more tech savvy than ever.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Get ready for the pain

So as I have vacation time approaching in April and May I am going to have to do some overtime to get some money to enjoy my vacation.

I really want to go to Scotland, but if I don't have enough to do that I want to at least go somewhere and enjoy it.

Maybe I'll go to Boston and see the Celtics and visit the friends I made lst summer that live on Martha's Vineyard. Or I'll go to Montreal or Ottawa and enjoy the museums and stuff there.

What I won't do is just hang out at home. I will go somewhere!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Off days

So these are my days off work. I have four days off before I start my new shift.

Yesterday was Family day, a holiday here in Ontario. We went to the zoo with the kids. It was nice, but I wish I had remembered my gloves and touque

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Spring time!

Well it's supposed to hit plus 7 today and I'm loving the good weather. I can't wait for summer to come. Wish I could move somewhere warm and get away from winter weather.

My new shift starts February 16th and sadly I didn't get any weekend days off, but I get Tuesday and Wednesday. Because of the change-over on shifts and family day holiday I will get four days in a row off.

A four day weekend in a warm week. Nice!