Sunday, July 26, 2009

Rain, rain go away.

Well I play in NBA 3on3 event every year with some guys from Seneca College, where I assistant coached for two years. It's today and it seems like every year I sign up for this thing and it rains like crazy.

Sucks real bad since I have to plan time off work and trade shifts to be here. Making special arrangements and spending the day in my car is not my idea of a good time.

Good to see those guys again though.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Starting a Website

So I've been wanting to get back into having a basketball based website for awhile now. Well I've spent the last month or so listening to small business start-up entrepreneur podcasts. I have found some useful websites, particularly

At you can use all the office products online and save files, but I am more interested that I can register a website name and build a site at officelive. I'm very excited and am gonna try this.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Evil Mom

Just saw this car this morning. Perhaps one of the best vanity plates ever 'EVIL MOM'. Someone obviously has a good sense of humor.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Nation building and Facebook

So I was interested to see 'Council of the Haida Nation Building Committee' has put a group on Facebook. The Haida's are an aboriginal nation here in Canada on The Queen Charlotte Islands/Haida Gwaii and they are using Facebook as a real tool for communication and moving forward in the building of their nation. Using Facebook as a means to build a nation seems like a good idea to me.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009


Apparently it's important to be good at remember names of people you meet, makes you seem more genuine.

Been a having a tough week. Cracked a tooth and have to go get it removed. Not looking forward to it.

I am working on this Canada Day holiday which kinda sucks, but the overtime pay for it really helps.

I've been keeping busy though. Won my men's league championship game at Hoopdome, took the kids to Canada's Wonderland and two Blue Jays games over the last week.