Sunday, October 19, 2008

Manly Facial Hair

Hey so my NBA preseason beard is continuing it's growth. Only ten days to go before I start shaving.

I figure I'll shave in pieces. Keep the handlebar mustache with attached sideburns for a day, then a mustache and sideburns for another, just sideburns, and finally a clean shave.

Don't know that I would suggest beard growing as a hobbie. It has been kinda itchy. Any kinda sauce gets into it and is tough to wash out. My wife doesn't like the look. My sisters think I look way to much like my dad. I've even been told it makes me look too old.

Mostly I'm not really used to having a big hairy face. Almost never get much beyond a little bristle. Anyways the countdown is on. Ten days to go.

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